Substance Abuse

Drug Rehab Facilities in Florida Explained

Drug Rehab Facilities in Florida Explained

There are few things in life more empowering than the decision to seek help for an addiction and realize you do have the power to take control over your life back. It’s a tough journey, no doubt, but one that only gets better as you go. With the ocean breeze and sunshine soothing the soul,

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Understanding Stimulants

Understanding Stimulants

While the broad class of drugs is known as stimulants, you may not be 100% familiar with which drugs that includes in practice. Before delving into the finer points of stimulants like – what they are, what they do and their addictive nature – let’s list the common ones and some usage stats. Common Stimulants

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Killer Nation: Americans More Likely to Die from Overdose Than Car Accidents

A Serious Problem Recent news based on published statistics about drug use comes to an alarming conclusion. Overdoses from opiates now cause more deaths in the USA each year than car accidents. This suggests that the opioid addiction epidemic is a serious problem and possibly may be getting even worse than ever. CBS News has reported that

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What is Fentanyl and How is it Affecting Overdose Rates?

Fentanyl is an opioid that acts on the brain the same way traditional opioids do, like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and heroin. To over-simplify the definition, fentanyl is basically a really, really, really strong opiate. It’s roughly 30-50 times stronger than heroin, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). A lethal dose of fentanyl about the size

What is Fentanyl and How is it Affecting Overdose Rates? Read More »

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