Alcohol Addiction Rehab in South Florida
While each form of addiction can have profound effects on one’s life, alcoholism is the original form of addiction that remains the most common substance abuse problem today.
Alcoholism treatment is one of the most necessary and widely demanded forms of addiction treatment available. With alcohol being the top substance in terms of rates of abuse and addiction, Principles Recovery Center aims to help individuals quit drinking alcohol by offering high-quality treatment at our alcohol treatment center.
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Historically, alcohol originates thousands of years ago. According to historical records, ancient civilizations were producing and enjoying alcohol, even drinking it more frequently than water. Over time, we came to realize that alcohol is extremely addictive with long-term habitual alcohol abuse found to cause a wide variety of physical and psychological effects.
In the most basic sense, alcohol is what we call the substances ethanol or ethyl alcohol. It’s created from a number of different substances, occurring when yeast breaks down sugars and causes them to ferment. Specifically, we see this process occur with grapes as they’re made into wine. It’s a similar situation with wheat are barley, which are used to produce beer. Various other substances can ferment and produce liquor, such as when potatoes ferment and yield vodka.
The specific ratio of alcohol to liquid varies from one alcoholic substance to the next. For instance, liquors have the highest alcohol content while beer often has some of the lowest alcohol content. This means that individuals consuming alcohol would need greater amounts of beer to achieve the desired level of intoxication than they would liquor (or even wine).
On a cultural level, alcohol has come to be associated with recreational consumption. Although it’s no longer consumed in lieu of water or other beverages, it’s commonly consumed in social scenarios, including at social gatherings or at holiday gatherings. It’s popular in social situations because, due to how alcohol affects the brain, people under the influence of alcohol tend to behave with less regard to consequence, making them much more uninhibited. Thus, alcohol is often referred to as a “social lubricant.”

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Going through a healthy medical detoxification serves as an initial primer for the remainder of the individual’s treatment process. If a patient were to simply skip the detoxification phase of the recovery and go straight into clinical treatment, it’s quite likely that he or she would be experiencing or suffering from withdrawal symptoms and immediately leave treatment and seek comfort in their drug of choice. Although the severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary from one person to the net, the majority of individuals who are suffering from withdrawal would have extreme difficulty participating in treatment even if they stayed. With certain substances like alcohol and benzos posing potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, detoxification is a must in order to effectively produce the best treatment outcome.
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Alcohol affects every organ in the drinker’s body and can damage a developing fetus. Intoxication can impair brain function and motor skills; heavy use can increase risk of certain cancers, stroke, and liver disease. Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by a strong craving for alcohol, and/or continued use despite harm or personal injury.
While many individuals attempt to hide their alcohol abuse from others, there are a number of signs that betray alcohol abuse. Knowing these signs can be useful when it comes to detecting alcohol abuse or alcoholic disorders in others.
Among the signs of alcohol abuse, one is that people who drink habitually and to excess often emit a certain odor. Though somewhat variable, it’s often compared to the smell of vinegar, and this occurs as the alcohol the individual has consumed is processed by the body, resulting in some amount of alcohol being secreted by the skin.
Of course, bathing and the application of commercial fragrances can mask these odors to some extent. Meanwhile, alcohol abuse is extremely recognizable by the behaviors that alcohol abuse induces. When actively intoxicated, individuals will have trouble speaking clearly and are likely to have trouble with their coordination.
It’s worth noting, too, that alcohol abuse for a continuous period of time has numerous repercussions on an individual’s life. As the alcohol takes an increasingly prominent place in his or her life, an individual will begin to withdraw from his or her relationships. Similarly, work performance and attendance are likely to decline. There are often financial difficulties that accompany an alcohol abuse problem due to the sheer cost associated with frequent heavy drinking.
As far as the signs of alcohol withdrawal, they can range from moderate to severe. Many individuals with alcohol abuse problems will experience trembling or shaking in their hands and limbs when they’re withdrawing from alcohol. They might also experience headaches and physical discomfort. If the alcoholism is long-term and severe, the individual is at risk of a condition known as delirium tremens, which can entail hallucinations and other symptoms of psychosis. When left untreated, delirium tremens can even be fatal.
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Individuals who suffer from alcoholism are typically discouraged from attempting to get sober on their own. When there’s even a remote possibility that delirium tremens could occur, most professionals agree that clinical addiction treatment and medical observation is not only the most successful but also the safest means of recovering from alcoholism.
Many individuals will begin alcoholism treatment with detoxification. This is the initial period following the cessation of alcohol consumption. Designed to ensure that the individual receives intensive, round-the-clock medical care to address withdrawal and prevent delirium tremens, alcohol detox treatment primes a patient for the remainder of the treatment process in which he or she learns the skills necessary to achieve and sustain sobriety.
Ultimately, the purpose of an addiction treatment program is for patients to learn a new lifestyle. As you’d expect, this is something that takes time and effort to do. With a drug rehab program, patients reside on-site at the treatment facility, which means that instead of having to commute back and forth to treatment on designated days, a patient can actually spend more time in active treatment. In other words, the fact that the patients are living at rehab means that they have more time during which to put effort into recovery.
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In addition to alcohol detox treatment, there are a number of other treatment options available to those who want to learn how to quit abusing alcohol.
More often than not, inpatient care at a quality alcohol treatment center is the most highly-recommended recovery option. Since the individual in treatment resides on-site for the duration of the program, it ensures his or her safety while affording the patient with more treatment time, meaning greater levels of success when it comes to achieving lasting recovery. In very infrequent cases, it’s possible for the individual to enroll in and complete an outpatient program, especially if it’s partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment.
After completing the treatment program, the individual will have a couple of options for post-treatment care. Often referred to as aftercare, this can include continuing psychotherapy, sober or transitional living programs, and/or support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous.
At Principles Recovery Center in Davie, FL we treat the above substances as well as numerous others ranging from heroin, hallucinogens, crack/cocaine, inhalants, marijuana, MDMA, methamphetamine, steroids, and many others at our center which includes partial day and outpatient levels of care. For any questions, please call in and we will be happy to discuss your situation as we understand each one is different. If we are unable provide to services, we offer numerous trusted referrals for drug rehab in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach as well as across the country in states such as New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and numerous more.
Alcohol abuse, which can lead to alcoholism, is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one’s health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work. Principles Recovery Centers Drug Rehab in Davie, Florida offers cognitive behavioral therapy, multidimensional family therapy, motivational interviewing, and contingency management among others during treatment for alcoholism.
Each individual is different and at Principles Recovery Center we create a specific treatment plan based on your circumstances. The easiest way to learn about how we can help is to give us a call toll-free at 1-866-709-7938 for a free consultation.