patients attending outpatient treatment

Outpatient Programs: The Benefits and More

Addiction is a disease that impacts countless people across the country. With addiction becoming more prevalent than ever before, the stigma surrounding this disease is starting to fade and people are focusing on the treatment options for addiction. When someone is released from an inpatient addiction treatment facility or is first looking for treatment, they

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Woman with depression looks out of window while sitting at desk

How Depression and Substance Abuse Are Linked

How Depression and Substance Abuse Are Linked Many people diagnosed with clinical depression drink. Many people who drink heavily also develop depression. We call this a bidirectional occurrence. The two diseases co-occur in many individuals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the neurological disease, clinical depression affects about 10 percent of the American population. Not

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Substance Abuse & Sex Addiction: Co-Occurring Disorders & Recovery

Addiction comes in many forms, most addictions involve the abuse of a psychoactive substance such as illegal drugs or alcohol. The word “addiction” comes from the Latin phrase, “ad dictum,” which means “to the dictator.” That alone is very instructive. But addiction might best be described as a progressive disorder of choice where the sufferer

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Woman conversing with older woman therapist about inpatient or outpatient treatment

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which is the Best Option for Treating Addiction?

Deciding about inpatient addiction treatment versus outpatient treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction is a complex choice. It’s important to know the differences between inpatient and outpatient care in the context of addiction treatment, specifically in relation to substance abuse rehab programs. Inpatient care involves living full-time at a treatment facility with clinical hours,

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which is the Best Option for Treating Addiction? Read More »

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