
Drug Rehab Facilities in Florida Explained

Drug Rehab Facilities in Florida Explained

There are few things in life more empowering than the decision to seek help for an addiction and realize you do have the power to take control over your life back. It’s a tough journey, no doubt, but one that only gets better as you go. With the ocean breeze and sunshine soothing the soul, […]

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What Are Trauma Therapy Modalities in Addiction Treatment?

What Are Trauma Therapy Modalities in Addiction Treatment?

Treatment for addiction will look different for everyone. There’s no silver bullet or one-size-fits-all solution that is recommended for each person dealing with addiction. Just as you’re a unique individual who fell into substance abuse due to the very personal circumstances of your own life, climbing out of it requires a similarly individualized plan. Because

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Tips for overcoming trauma and addiction

Tips for Overcoming Trauma and Addiction

Traumatic experiences can come to hold immense power over your thoughts, feelings and actions in life. Touching all aspects of your inner world as well as wreaking havoc on your external relationships.  While some may go through a harrowing experience and be able to easily put it behind them, for others overcoming trauma is a

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First steps to getting clean in Florida

The First Step to Getting Clean: Drug Detox in Florida

Drug addiction is something that takes hold of the body and mind. The longer you or a loved one is addicted, the more control is lost and the stronger the dependency grows. That’s the nature of the beast. It doesn’t get better until you choose to get better and getting to the point that you

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