Most of us know that drug addiction exists and that it affects many people every day, but not everyone knows what to look for to determine if their loved one might be struggling with a drug addiction. While each individual addiction is unique and, depending on the drug the person is using, the signs and symptoms can be radically different from one person to the next, there are a few signs that are common amongst almost every type of addiction and being able to recognize them can mean the difference between getting your loved one the help they need and them continuing to struggle without hope against an ongoing disease. It’s also important to remember that addiction is not one-dimensional and that a person can have some, all, or only just a few of these symptoms.
Our goal at Principles Recovery Center is to return our clients to their typical life with their family and friends free of drug addiction. However, we know that sobriety is a struggle that requires help. That is why we want to provide clients and their families the information they need to get help, so that once they get clean, they can continue to stay that way. In this post, we will look at what causes addiction, including the signs of being addicted and the signs of substance abuse. We will also look at the most common signs and symptoms of addiction and how to identify these indicators of substance use to help someone seek addiction treatment.
What Causes Addiction?
Addiction is a complicated disease that can be brought on by a number of different factors and causes. Social factors such as friends and family can lead someone to substance abuse, as can stressful life and work environments where a person begins using drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with these problems. Psychological factors can also play a role in addiction, namely the state of a person’s mental health and whether or not they have experienced any sort of trauma in their life that might lead them toward using drugs.
Lastly, there is also a genetic component that plays into whether or not a person becomes addicted. There is a likelihood that a person may have a predisposition towards addiction thanks to a family history of substance abuse. While the genetic role in addiction is not fully understood, we do know that genetics plays a large role in the likelihood that someone will abuse substances.
What Are the Most Common Signs of Drug Addiction?
There is a whole range of signs that someone is using or addicted to drugs, but the most prevalent sign amongst all of the most common signs of drug addiction, and the easiest to identify is when a person continues to use a particular substance despite the harm that it is doing to themselves or their life. A person with an addiction may face financial or legal troubles, the loss of family or friends, their job, and even their social standing.
Addiction is also characterized by a need to withdraw from day-to-day life responsibilities in favor of doing drugs or seeking out drugs to continue using. The person will also typically show a lack of interest in things they once enjoyed, start neglecting their personal appearance and hygiene, and even resort to illegal behavior to score drugs.
These behaviors are often accompanied by significant emotional changes as well. A person addicted will likely feel shame and embarrassment, which can cause them to continue to keep using. They will often try to hide their addiction at first, leading to secretive behavior. Once they have become a full-blown addict, they will detach completely from those they care about in favor of the substance.
How to Seek Help For Addiction Treatment
The first step to getting help for addiction treatment is realizing that you have a problem. Whether it is you or a loved one, it is important to identify the drug addiction and agree to get treatment. Once that happens, the next step is to come to a treatment facility like ours at Principles Recovery Center. We not only specialize in drug addiction treatment in South Florida, but we also have a wide range of services to handle just about any type of addiction or dual diagnosis treatment that is necessary to help get someone clean and sober.
We have outpatient services, specialized programs for teens and young adults, and aftercare services for staying sober once treatment ends. Don’t let yourself or your loved one struggle with drug addiction a day longer than they have to, contact Principles Recovery Center today and get started with the help you need.