Watching a loved one battling cravings is one of the hardest things anyone can ever experience. You probably will not be aware of it, initially, because addicts learn to hide and sneak around. Addiction requires an honest, firm approach to get it under control.
What are the signs that should ring your warning bells? Do any of these in the list below find you nodding your head in agreement?
1. Their Tolerance Is Getting Higher and Higher
When you are close to somebody, you know the usual amount he or she takes. Two to four glasses of wine the regular consumption. Immediately you notice that he or she is increasingly imbibing more, that is an indication that the tolerance is higher.
2. Fuzzy Thoughts and Memory
Someone suffering from mental fog will show confusion, disorganization and frequent forgetfulness. Everyone goes through periods of uncertainty, so do not get it twisted if your loved one is genuinely tired. Pay attention if he or she is unable to focus on the things they never had a problem with before.
3. Blowing Hot and Ice Cold
Addicts are unstable emotionally, which is why they need more drugs, food, sex, to feel good. Severe mood swings begin to occur frequently. One moment your loved one is deliriously happy, and the next, they are depressed.
4. Becoming a Recluse
Addicts know that they need treatment to manage the cravings. Sometimes they do not know how to go about it, other times they want to avoid it. What happens is that they start isolating themselves. They avoid meeting friends and social gatherings. They may even avoid taking calls.
5. Risky Behavior
An intervention is definitely on the cards when someone shows risky behavior. Driving while under the influence of mind-altering substances endangers lives. Irrational acts such as jumping on train tracks, walking on roof ledges, juggling knives or anything injurious is dangerous behavior.
6. Increase in Clumsiness and Accidents
You will notice that the addict walks absent-mindedly into side tables or other things that are not out of place. They may take a carton of milk out and return it to the trash, thinking that it was the fridge. They will trip over pebbles and smash into flowerbeds. You will recognize clumsy when you see it!
7. Financial Strain and Mismanagement
Intervention may rescue an addict from outright financial ruin. If you see him or her, selling off their valuables one after another, without a sound investment plan, there is a problem. If they are in debt and struggling to pay rent and bills, that is a red flag. No groceries in the pantry and the utilities are off; that is cause for concern.
8. Dubious Behavior
Substance abusers will start showing strange behavior, like going out late at nights for no good reason. They will be dishonest, and when caught out on a lie, they may flare up in anger to deflect an interrogation! They are unreliable and untrustworthy because the chemical imbalances are screaming for another hit to get high.
9. Appearance Changes From Cover Model to Scruffy
Addicts’ sole purpose for existing tends to zoom in to their next fix. They become careless with their grooming and hygiene. It is heartrending to see a loved one wearing mismatching attire and not concerned about BO. Nevertheless, dishabille is a sure tell that something is wrong.
10. Deteriorating Mental Health
Mental health comes in many different forms. Sometimes drug abuse makes the user see apparitions and hear voices from the mind-altering chemicals. However, the intense cravings and stresses of addictive behavior will deteriorate the mental health of the user. They may suffer anxiety panics and insomnia, or other mental health issues. It can become a vicious cycle of illness.
Intervention Is The Next Step: How Will You Steer It?
Having watched your loved one quite keenly, you recognize some of the traits mentioned above. Possibly, you realize that some of these symptoms were cropping up over a long period. Who will handle the intervention, you or an expert?
Seek Aid from a Professional Interventionists
A trained interventionist has the tools to do a compassionate intervention. You, on the other hand, may start well-intentioned, yet end up with a defensive and confrontational addict! Let the professional do the work. There will be less chance for any aggression getting out of hand.
Go Through Your Part of the Intervention Process
Whether the addict is receptive to the intervention or not, you must attend for your benefit. You will learn to handle yourself, to establish borders and limits without guilt. You will also get a support network of people who can commiserate with you and give you possible solutions for tricky situations.
Final Thoughts
The signs of addict behavior may creep up slowly, or explode in a crisis. However, if you are suspicious of a loved one needing an intervention, seek experts. They will diagnose and begin the process to mitigate the symptoms. Contact us at Principles Recovery Center to find out if your loved one could use an intervention.