You did it, you admitted to your family that you have a problem, you completed inpatient treatment for drugs and alcohol, and now you’re back home. Hopefully, you feel accomplished and proud of yourself because completing treatment isn’t always easy. It required a lot of work on your part and facing demons you most likely didn’t want to face.
Now that you’re at home, Principles Recovery Center wants to let you know it’s important to continuously work on your sobriety. Treatment will get you sober but doesn’t necessarily keep you sober. Recovery is a lifelong journey and it’s up to you whether or not you want to work at it. Lucky for you there are little things you can do throughout the day, every day, that will help you stay sober.
Developing Habits in Recovery
Working at maintaining sobriety doesn’t have to be a daily challenge. Building a routine and incorporating structure is a key component of practicing healthy habits. Some simple habits you can pick up are:
- Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is important, especially in sobriety. Life can be stressful and we all deserve to feel good about ourselves. It’s easy to stay focused on making money and keeping everyone around us happy, but hard to remember to reward ourselves. You should make a point to do one nice thing for yourself a day, whether it’s complimenting yourself, treating yourself to the fancy coffee at the shop down the street, or doing a face mask at night.
- Exercise: Working out is great for the body and mind. Implementing exercise a few times a week will make a huge difference in your overall well being. Working out releases endorphins and helps reduce stress. Feeling happy and calm will help reduce drug or alcohol cravings, which helps prevent relapse.
- Practice gratitude: Being sober is a gift. Your life was probably in complete array at one point while you were using drugs or alcohol. Being grateful for no longer living in chaos and being healthy will definitely help keep you sober. An easy way to practice gratitude is by keeping a journal. You can spend a few minutes each night writing down what you’re grateful for. You can even get other people involved and start a group chat that asks everyone to contribute one thing daily.
- Cook: Learning to cook is useful for many reasons. Cooking at home is much healthier than eating at a restaurant, so you’ll feel healthier physically. Cooking is something you can do for yourself or others. It’s a great way to reconnect with the people around you. If you have a big meal to prepare, you can get your roommates or family to help you prep. It’s time you can all spend together and get closer. Cooking can also become a hobby that you can do for the rest of your life.
- Set goals: Setting goals is super important in sobriety. Feeling motivated and having something to look forward to will give you purpose in life. You can set financial and personal goals for yourself. Maybe you’ve been wanting to travel lately but don’t know how to pay for it. You can set a goal to travel by a certain date. This will motivate you to save money weekly or monthly that can be put towards your trip.
Let Us Help You!
At Principles Recovery Center, we are a drug rehab and addiction treatment center located in Davie, Florida. We offer a family-focused treatment program because we know that addiction impacts not only the individual but family members as well. We also provide a Spanish drug rehab program for those whose primary language is Spanish. We would be honored to help you with your recovery process. If you would like to learn more about our addiction recovery programming, please contact us today!