Hi, My name is Bill, and I’m a Dad of a recovering Alcoholic/Addict.
9 months ago, I did see me writing this Testimonial.
Since July of 2015, our family had been tormented by the disease of addiction that took my son through four detoxes and attempts at rehab. We were lost. Our entire family was suffering. As much as we tried to understand, nothing seemed to work. We grew apart as a family and Drew grew further and further away. We were desperate to find some way to help him before we lost him for good. The inevitable happened, We lost our son for 6 minutes on December 23rd, 2016. Overdose. Fortunately, he was revived. We understood we could not help him. For the fourth time, he was willing to enter a treatment center. We called and spoke to a local mental health Crisis Line and they referred us to a South Florida Detox Facility. We did not know the people, our doctors did not know of this facility and we were warned of the hazards of some of the facilities in South Florida. They were incredibly helpful and made arrangements for Drew to fly out as soon as he’d taken care of some legal issues. After his 2nd week of detox, his counselor recommended Drew be moved to Principles Recovery Center. According to Drew, here is where his true recovery began. We were petrified as we knew nothing of Principles and were scared to death that he was lying to us again. Drew had given us contact information for Frank at Principles and we called him. Frank was incredible! He took all measures to calm us and told us about the Principles recovery program. The arrangements were made with insurance, doctors, and counselors, and Drew moved to the sober living facility named, get this, Saving Grace.
They were open and friendly and did all they could to put this family 900 miles away at ease. A family so scared that not only could they lose their son, now he is over 900 miles away should something happen. They assured us he was in the right place to start his recovery. We did not see him until March when I was able to go down and visit and meet some of these phenomenal people that have him on the path to recovery. The Management team, clinical staff along with all of the technicians I encountered were very welcoming, positive and supportive. They have an alumni program that is instrumental to support a successful network. They are the reason my son is still here with us today. I realize he had a lot to do with it and had to make the choice to listen and work at healing, but he had to have someone to listen to, someone that could relate to what he was doing and a group of people that treated him like family and knew what to do to help him heal. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I was able to visit last week and spend time with you all and Drew. I had a fantastic visit with my son and we were able to spend quality time talking, and touring about Miami with his new outlook on life.
We are truly proud of Drew but we owe Principles Recovery Center so much thanks that he is alive and fully engaged in life. Our family thanks you with all our hearts as this family is now beginning to heal as well. I encourage all parents who felt as hopeless as us, ready to give up, to call this facility, reach out to them, they are your Hope, They make it possible for our kids and our loved ones to move forward and become living, caring members of society. We understand your fears, your reluctance to send them far away, and the horror stories about South Florida Treatment centers, this is not one of them. This is a first-rate facility that cares for their clients and enrolls them in an active lifestyle and Alumni programs so they too are able to help others as part of their recovery. If you need to talk to a family that has been through the ringer, don’t hesitate to call, we would be happy to talk to you.
We have been there, we have suffered, and we are now healing. Please feel free to contact us at 757-725-1504.
Sincerely, Bill B.