Famed for its seemingly endless coastline and stunning beaches, Florida is known as the Sunshine State for very good reason. What you may not know about Florida though is that it’s one of the preeminent destinations for treating substance abuse disorders.

South Florida, given the population density, of course has ample options for treatment that can fit the needs of anyone. It’s not just down south though, from Miami up to Jacksonville, and Pensacola back down through Orlando and on to Naples, rehab facilities in Florida are abundant.

When people want to get away, they come to Florida and the same logic applies to rehab. Moreover, and concerning substance abuse specifically, getting away from what triggers you and those surroundings in which your addiction was born is a huge benefit. 

Given the dearth of facilities, what can you expect to find when you get to Florida?

Different Types of Rehab Facilities in Florida

Despite the sheer quantity of facilities here, there are only so many types of rehab and parts of the treatment process. Recovery from addiction breaks down into detox, inpatient care, outpatient care and aftercare.

Some facilities specialize in one part of the process or a certain treatment modality or methodology while others might be well equipped to see you through the whole process from start to “finish”. Finish being in quotes because rehab in and of itself is just the first part of a lifelong journey of recovery. 

As far as what each type of rehab facility does, here’s a broad overview:


While addiction is a disorder, getting the drugs and alcohol out of your system and breaking the physical dependence is the first step in any treatment program. Addressing that physiological aspect of addiction and the withdrawal that accompanies it is a tough thing to go through and potentially even fatal with some substances like alcohol or opioids. That’s why it’s recommended to detox under the care and guidance of trained addiction specialists and medical professionals.

Inpatient Care

After your body is rid of the toxins, it’s time to tackle the mental side of addiction.

Inpatient care is characterized by the fact that you live in the facility. No work, school, family, friends to worry about or distract you from the goal of sobriety.

Every treatment center that’s reputable and worth its salt will create a dedicated, customized rehab program that’s catered to your needs and will give you the best chance at achieving sustained sobriety.

The mainstay of most drug and alcohol treatment is psychotherapy or talk therapy. This is where you dive deep into the mind with a psychologist and/or psychiatrist in individual as well as group sessions with the idea being to work down to the root cause of your addiction.

Some rehabs will offer complementary treatments like yoga, meditation, music therapy and more.

Outpatient Care

You can either transition to outpatient care from inpatient rehab or, if your addiction wasn’t extremely severe, you can start with outpatient treatment. The difference between this and inpatient is that you’re not required to live at the facility.

You can go about your daily life and come to treatment on a predetermined schedule.

Partial Hospitalization

This is sort of in between inpatient and outpatient care though it leans more heavily on the inpatient side. Partial hospitalization is meant for those with a severe enough addiction to warrant inpatient care but really need the flexibility of outpatient care.

At the end of the day, some people are just not able to drop everything and go to treatment for a month or longer. This is the middle ground.


As mentioned, recovery is a lifelong process and aftercare speaks to that. You’re not simply left to your own devices after completing treatment. The world can be a tough place and you no longer have to go it alone.

Aftercare is an important tool to help you avoid relapse, keep connections you made in rehab as well as even make new ones.

How Principles Recovery Center Helps with Addiction

At Principles Recovery Center in Davie, Florida, you’ll be able to go through every phase of recovery here with us. From detox right through to aftercare, we even have an ever-growing alumni community as well as a dedicated Español program.

Get in touch with us today and let’s explore your Florida recovery options together.

Why Rehab Facilities in Florida Are the Best Way To Heal From Addiction

Home > Addiction Treatment > Why Rehab Facilities in Florida Are the Best Way To Heal From Addiction

Famed for its seemingly endless coastline and stunning beaches, Florida is known as the Sunshine State for very good reason. What you may not know about Florida though is that it’s one of the preeminent destinations for treating substance abuse disorders.

South Florida, given the population density, of course has ample options for treatment that can fit the needs of anyone. It’s not just down south though, from Miami up to Jacksonville, and Pensacola back down through Orlando and on to Naples, rehab facilities in Florida are abundant.

When people want to get away, they come to Florida and the same logic applies to rehab. Moreover, and concerning substance abuse specifically, getting away from what triggers you and those surroundings in which your addiction was born is a huge benefit. 

Given the dearth of facilities, what can you expect to find when you get to Florida?

Different Types of Rehab Facilities in Florida

Despite the sheer quantity of facilities here, there are only so many types of rehab and parts of the treatment process. Recovery from addiction breaks down into detox, inpatient care, outpatient care and aftercare.

Some facilities specialize in one part of the process or a certain treatment modality or methodology while others might be well equipped to see you through the whole process from start to “finish”. Finish being in quotes because rehab in and of itself is just the first part of a lifelong journey of recovery. 

As far as what each type of rehab facility does, here’s a broad overview:


While addiction is a disorder, getting the drugs and alcohol out of your system and breaking the physical dependence is the first step in any treatment program. Addressing that physiological aspect of addiction and the withdrawal that accompanies it is a tough thing to go through and potentially even fatal with some substances like alcohol or opioids. That’s why it’s recommended to detox under the care and guidance of trained addiction specialists and medical professionals.

Inpatient Care

After your body is rid of the toxins, it’s time to tackle the mental side of addiction.

Inpatient care is characterized by the fact that you live in the facility. No work, school, family, friends to worry about or distract you from the goal of sobriety.

Every treatment center that’s reputable and worth its salt will create a dedicated, customized rehab program that’s catered to your needs and will give you the best chance at achieving sustained sobriety.

The mainstay of most drug and alcohol treatment is psychotherapy or talk therapy. This is where you dive deep into the mind with a psychologist and/or psychiatrist in individual as well as group sessions with the idea being to work down to the root cause of your addiction.

Some rehabs will offer complementary treatments like yoga, meditation, music therapy and more.

Outpatient Care

You can either transition to outpatient care from inpatient rehab or, if your addiction wasn’t extremely severe, you can start with outpatient treatment. The difference between this and inpatient is that you’re not required to live at the facility.

You can go about your daily life and come to treatment on a predetermined schedule.

Partial Hospitalization

This is sort of in between inpatient and outpatient care though it leans more heavily on the inpatient side. Partial hospitalization is meant for those with a severe enough addiction to warrant inpatient care but really need the flexibility of outpatient care.

At the end of the day, some people are just not able to drop everything and go to treatment for a month or longer. This is the middle ground.


As mentioned, recovery is a lifelong process and aftercare speaks to that. You’re not simply left to your own devices after completing treatment. The world can be a tough place and you no longer have to go it alone.

Aftercare is an important tool to help you avoid relapse, keep connections you made in rehab as well as even make new ones.

How Principles Recovery Center Helps with Addiction

At Principles Recovery Center in Davie, Florida, you’ll be able to go through every phase of recovery here with us. From detox right through to aftercare, we even have an ever-growing alumni community as well as a dedicated Español program.

Get in touch with us today and let’s explore your Florida recovery options together.

Dr. Carlos Satulovsky

Dr. Carlos Satulovsky ( Medical Director )
Dr. Carlos Satulovsky is a board-certified psychiatrist and has over 30 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Facultad De Ciencias Medicas/Universidad Nacional. He is affiliated with medical facilities North Shore Medical Center.
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