There are many different scenarios and factors that can lead to an addiction to alcohol or drugs. For some, addiction occurs after having been exposed to substance abuse during childhood and/or adolescence. Others become addicted after experimenting with substance abuse with alcohol- or drug-abusing peers. Then there are those individuals who unintentionally become addicted to substances to which they’ve prescribed for legitimate purposes. Since there are so many ways to become addicted to mind-altering substances, it follows that there would be many different forms of treatment available to those in needing, including outpatient programs.
At Principles Recovery Center, we recognize the importance of offering high-quality outpatient programs through which individuals in need can access a selection of treatments and therapies that are essential to recovery. However, many individuals who are seeking recovery aren’t aware that there are actually different types of outpatient programs. Since you’ll find different forms of outpatient care are available at Principles Recovery Center, we wanted to take a moment to help you better understand what outpatient rehabs in Florida have to offer you or your loved one.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient: Which is Right for Me?
It’s helpful to think of addiction treatment programs as existing on a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum, there are inpatient treatment programs, which are residential-style programs that provide patients with temporary residential accommodations so they can reside on-site until completing the program. Many experts consider inpatient care to be the most effective — and, therefore, preferred — method of treating addiction as it offers the most intensive curriculum. However, it’s also the most prohibitive form of treatment as it requires patients to take an extended leave of absence from their lives while completing their programs.
By comparison, outpatient treatment is undoubtedly the most flexible, versatile form of treatment. Whereas inpatient requires a lot of time and dedication, one of the greatest strengths of outpatient treatment is that it can usually be incorporated alongside an individual’s other obligations, including their familial responsibilities and careers. And although many insurance programs now offer coverage for substance abuse treatment, it used to be that inpatient care was prohibitively expensive, making outpatient treatment the more affordable and, therefore, practical choice in many instances.
Outpatient treatment can actually refer to several different types of outpatient care, which include partial hospitalization programs (or PHPs), intensive outpatient programs, and traditional outpatient treatment. For the most part, the key differences between these three types of outpatient treatment pertain to the amount of time that’s spent in treatment on a week-to-week basis.

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It serves as an initial primer for the remainder of the individual’s treatment process. If a patient were to simply skip the detoxification phase of the recovery and go straight into clinical treatment, it’s quite likely that he or she would be experiencing or suffering from withdrawal symptoms and immediately leave treatment and seek comfort in their drug of choice. Although the severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary from one person to the net, the majority of individuals who are suffering from withdrawal would have extreme difficulty participating in treatment even if they stayed. With certain substances like alcohol and benzos posing potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, detoxification is a must in order to effectively produce the best treatment outcome.
Principles Recovery Center’s Approach to Outpatient
Intensive Outpatient Program in South Florida
Intensive outpatient programs exist in-between partial hospitalization and standard outpatient care, making it somewhat less intensive than partial hospitalization. Perhaps the best way to look at intensive outpatient is as an outpatient program with patient treatment time increased considerably. But since patients in intensive outpatient care spend more time in treatment, there’s still potential for more customization and personalization. Although the specifics can vary from one facility to the next, most patients in intensive outpatient care spent up to 20 hours in treatment each week. With this increased treatment time, patients can spend more time in individual and group therapy sessions. Our IOP program in South Florida offers day & evening intensive outpatient groups in order to give our clients options when seeking treatment. Whether you have just completed an inpatient program or you are seeking treatment for the first time, Principles Recovery Center’s day & night IOP program in South Florida can help.
Outpatient Program in South Florida
In addition to partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient care is the third and final type of program that’s a staple outpatient offering. Perhaps not very surprisingly, outpatient programs offer the least amount of treatment time, which has made them particularly accessible and often preferable to those who have career and familial obligations. With as little as 12 hours of treatment each week, patients in traditional outpatient care often find it very easy to incorporate their treatments and therapies into their schedules. When such obligations would prohibit more intensive forms of outpatient care or even inpatient treatment, an outpatient treatment program ensures that recovery is still a viable option.
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Why Principles Recovery is Your Best Choice
At Principles Recovery Center, our outpatient treatment and IOP in South Florida offers individuals who suffer from substance abuse problems both the structure and flexibility to help accommodate their familial and career responsibilities. For clients who meet the criteria for our IOP program, there are a variety of high-quality treatments available, including rehabilitation staples like group therapy with a focus on stress reduction, relapse prevention, responsibility, accountability and much more. We offer day & night IOP groups to accomodate schedules, while still providing clients the treatment they need to achieve long-term recovery.
Clients will also be assigned a primary substance abuse counselor who will help the client address any underlying issues in order to prevent relapse. Family counseling is also addressed at this level of care as we feel this is imperative for all those affected by substance abuse.
Insurance Can Help Cover
the Cost of Treatment at PRC.

Insurance coverage for treatment is within reach. We are in-network with most insurance carriers in Florida.

Preparing for Outpatient Treatment
It’s important to remember that every individual’s recovery journey is unique to him or her. Similarly, the resources and strategies that are extremely effective for one person might not be as effective for someone else. For this reason, Principles Recovery Center emphasizes individualization as a key part of the recovery process and essential to achieving lasting success in recovery.
When you or a loved one is looking to begin treatment at Principles Recovery Center, one of the first steps in the process is the initial consultation and assessment. This allows us to meet with our prospective and incoming patients so that we can gauge their histories in addiction and make the best possible treatment recommendations. Once the consultation and assessment has been completed, the patient is matched to one of our comprehensive, high-quality treatment programs and will complete the enrollment process.
Depending on the addictive and other factors of history, an individual might begin the recovery process with an initial period of detoxification. This serves as a primer for treatment and ensures that the patient isn’t suffering from withdrawals when the treatment phase of recovery begins. But if detoxification is deemed as optional or even unnecessary, the patient will begin with the treatment phase of recovery. During this time, he or she will complete a well-rounded recovery curriculum that’s been specially designed to foster lasting recovery and prepare our patients for re-entering their respective communities.
Want to Speak to Someone
Who’s Been in Your Shoes?
We Believe in Your Recovery.
Our IOP program in South Florida sets up our clients for success after rehab with credit score rebuilding, mock interviewing, job placement, and resume building workshops. Once accommodated the majority of our clients get occupations in South Florida which is why we offer a very flexible IOP program.
At Principles Recovery Center, we offer both day and night IOP, allowing us to best accommodate those individuals who have specific work or personal scheduling conflicts. Local South Florida residents attending from home in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Westin, Davie, Aventura, Pompano, Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, and Plantation among others can easily be accommodated.
Call us today at 1-954-368-1344.