At Principles Recovery Center in South Florida, we accept insurance from a wide range of providers. That includes plans obtained through AvMed. You can use your AvMed insurance to help cover the cost of our full slate of recovery services. That’s just one of the ways that Principles makes the treatment process as straightforward as possible.
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The first step in your drug or alcohol recovery is establishing initial substance abstinence. To do this, you must stop drinking or taking drugs. You must also cope with the impact of any withdrawal symptoms that arise when your substance use ends. You could try to work toward these crucial milestones on your own. But research shows that a supervised detoxification or detox program is a safer, more reliable choice.
A detox program is specifically designed to help you halt your substance use. It also helps you make it through drug or alcohol withdrawal by:
- Stabilizing your overall condition
- Using supportive care or medication to relieve your withdrawal symptoms
- Providing treatment for any problems that occur during withdrawal
Detox providers also help you continue on in a rehab program once you’ve reached abstinence.
At Principles Recovery Center, we feature comprehensive, in-house detox services. With our help, you can start your long-term sobriety efforts off right. To learn more about our personalized South Florida drug and alcohol detox plans, contact us today.

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It serves as an initial primer for the remainder of the individual’s treatment process. If a patient were to simply skip the detoxification phase of the recovery and go straight into clinical treatment, it’s quite likely that he or she would be experiencing or suffering from withdrawal symptoms and immediately leave treatment and seek comfort in their drug of choice. Although the severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary from one person to the net, the majority of individuals who are suffering from withdrawal would have extreme difficulty participating in treatment even if they stayed. With certain substances like alcohol and benzos posing potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, detoxification is a must in order to effectively produce the best treatment outcome.
Avmed Coverage in South Florida
Rehab is the natural and necessary complement to detox. That’s because medical detoxification is only intended to help you clear out your system and reach a sober state. Once you achieve these objectives, you need to find ways to protect and solidify your newfound abstinence. You take on that task in rehab by enrolling in a suitable drug or alcohol treatment program.
Effective rehab is customized on two different levels. First, it relies on treatments known to help people recover from their specific form of addiction. This means that suitable recovery plans vary according to the source of your problems. However, even for people addicted to the same substance, recovery needs often differ substantially. For this reason, your plan must be further adapted to fit your particular circumstances.
Individual therapy is the most common method of helping you deal effectively with drug or alcohol problems. Today, high-quality therapy options are suitable for treating any form of addiction. Medication is also a main component of some recovery plans.
Principles Recovery Center is your trusted source for South Florida AvMed addiction treatment. Talk to us today to learn more about how we help ensure that your rehab plan maximizes your recovery success. That’s true whether you need AvMed drug rehab or AvMed alcohol rehab in South Florida.
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How We Can Help You
Some people have severe substance problems that call for an inpatient rehab approach.
If this is true for you, outpatient rehab programs may meet the needs of your situation. Available forms of this rehab include:
- Outpatient programs
- Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs)
- Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs)
Each of these programs provides a certain number of treatment hours per week. All IOPs provide more weekly treatment than an outpatient program. In turn, all PHPs provide more treatment than an IOP.
Principles Recovery Center features a full range of outpatient rehab programs. Contact us today to find out which of these options will best suit your current needs.
Insurance Can Help Cover
the Cost of Treatment at PRC.

Insurance coverage for treatment is within reach. We are in-network with most insurance carriers in Florida.

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Many people affected by addiction qualify for a dual diagnosis. This means that they also have diagnosable symptoms of an additional mental illness. Recovery from dual diagnosis is not the same as recovery from standalone addiction. That’s true because the overlapping presence of mental illness can intensify the impact of addiction. At the same time, the overlapping effects of addiction can intensify the impact of mental illness.
If you hope to overcome dual diagnosis, the interlocking conditions affecting you cannot be treated as separate problems. Instead, you must receive unified treatment that tackles both issues at once. In addition, this treatment must be provided by experienced dual diagnosis experts.
At Principles, we offer specialized dual diagnosis services. With our help, you can make gains in your recovery from any pairing of addiction and mental illness. Talk to our staff of experts to learn more.
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Get The Type of Care You Need
Millions of America’s teenagers have drug- or alcohol-related substance problems. However, for various reasons, teens affected by addiction have different needs than affected adults. These needs are best met in programs specifically designed to treat adolescents.
At Principles Recovery Center, we understand the critical need for teen-centric recovery options. Our Adolescent Wellness Academy not only provides those options. We also offer transportation services that increase the convenience of your child’s treatment. Contact us today for more details.
Insurance Can Help Cover
the Cost of Treatment at PRC.
Our Experienced Team Is Here For You
When rehab ends, it’s important that you maintain access to resources that can support your long-term recovery. One of the most helpful of these kinds of resources is an alumni program. Alumni services make it easy for you to communicate and network with others who have completed rehab. In turn, a stable peer network can reinforce your ongoing sobriety in multiple ways.
Principles Recovery offers a variety of alumni services for the graduates of drug and alcohol rehab programs. We have options to fit every need, from regular meetings to aftercare resources. For more information, talk to our knowledgeable staff today.
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How We Can Help You
In South Florida, many residents rely on Spanish as their first or only language. Like everyone else, members of the Spanish-speaking community often need drug or alcohol treatment services. You’ll find those services at Principles Recovery Center. We feature a dedicated recovery program that caters to the requirements of Spanish speakers.